Monday, March 22, 2010

Thoughts So Far

Right now I am watching fit tv. I am suppose to be exercising with them but my body just can not do yoga. I haven't figured out what I'm good at yet, well other than eating of course. I want to be able to do yoga since it seems like a fun exercise that allows you to have a nice butt. Currently I am hungry and its only been two hours since I ate last. I feel so ashamed when I'm hungry since it runs my life pretty much. I had planned on going to the park today to walk around the trail but it seems like it is going to rain today. I also have to wait for my boyfriend to wake up since hes my personal trainer.

1st Day: Breakfast

1 Bowl of Captain Crunch Cereal
243 calories

1 Cup of Milk
206 calories

1 Glass of Water
0 calories

1 Banana
89 calories

Subtotal Calories: 538

Excersie: -18 calories

Food calories remaining for today: 904

I am placing a picture of what I look like right now. I am not certain of my exact weight but I asume that its around 270lbs. My goal weight is 150lbs. The goal for this month is to lose 10lbs.

As you can see in this picture I pretty much look pregnant! People think that I am since most of my weight is around my stomach. I also hate my arms since its hard to find clothes to fit them and my back is huge!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Wedding Plans

The main reason I want to lose weight is because I want to look beautiful on my wedding day which is over a year away. I am willing to try anything to lose all this weight. My goal is to lose 100 lbs by April 23rd 2010. I do realise that it is alot of weight to lose but it can be done and I have to do it for myself. I'm also tired of my fiance looking at porn and other women. He dosen't realise that it makes me feel bad even though I have told him that it did. I'm going to start looking up diets.